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Building illumos


This document will help prepare you to build the source code for illumos. It assumes some familiarity with development on Unix-like systems.

For more detail and background information, please also refer to the illumos Developer's Guide.

You need an illumos-based operating system to build illumos. Cross-compilation is not supported.

If you don't have one installed, the quickest way to get started is to download either OpenIndiana or OmniOS. Both distributions can be installed in a VM (e.g., VMware Fusion on macOS) or on a physical machine, and can be used to build illumos.

All commands in this guide assume you run them as an unprivileged user. sudo will be prepended to commands which need additional (i.e., root) privileges. On some systems pfexec can be used in place of sudo, provided your user has the correct RBAC profiles.

Make sure your system is up-to-date

On a freshly installed system, it is a good idea to make sure you have the latest version of all operating system components. On both OmniOS and OpenIndiana, you can update your system by running:

sudo pkg update

Once the update is complete, you may need to reboot your machine to begin using the new kernel.

Installing required packages

Once you have an up-to-date illumos system installed and running, you will need to install the basic development tools needed to build illumos. The operating system is currently built with a patched version of GCC 4.4.4.

The list of packages to install depends on which distribution you have chosen.


On OpenIndiana, the build-essential package includes the GCC compiler and other tools required to build illumos. In addition, we should install the newer GCC 7 compiler and the Python 3.5 runtime for a complete build.

sudo pkg install build-essential \
    runtime/python-35 \

The patched version of GCC 4.4.4 is installed in /opt/gcc/4.4.4.


On OmniOS, the illumos-tools package includes everything you'll need to build illumos, including the optional GCC 7 compiler. Make sure you're running at least OmniOS version r151028 or higher.

sudo pkg install pkg:/developer/illumos-tools

The patched version of GCC 4.4.4 is installed in /opt/gcc-4.4.4.

Preparing your workspace

You can build the software in any directory, but for the purposes of this guide we will assume that you have a directory /code on your system. This directory should be owned by the unprivileged user you will use to build illumos.

Getting the source

You may use the Git source code management system to retrieve the illumos source code. Git is installed with the other build tools in a previous section. Make sure you have about 6 gigabytes of free space for the source and binaries combined.

The repository is available from GitHub using the Git source code control system. The Git repository URI is: https//

To check out the source:

cd /code
git clone

From here on we'll refer to this clone of the repository, i.e., /code/illumos-gate, as your "workspace".

Getting the closed binaries

There are a small handful of illumos components for which source code is not available. Over time, we have replaced most of the closed source components from the Sun era with new open source versions. This work is ongoing.

OpenIndiana & OmniOS

OmniOS (r151016 or later) and OpenIndiana users have the closed binary files installed in /opt/onbld/closed. The ON_CLOSED_BINS environment variable can be set to refer to this directory without copying it into your workspace.

Other Distributions

For systems where the closed binaries are not shipped as part of the development tools packages, you can download the closed binary tar files into your local illumos-gate workspace yourself:

cd /code/illumos-gate
wget -c \ \
tar xjvpf on-closed-bins.i386.tar.bz2
tar xjvpf on-closed-bins-nd.i386.tar.bz2

Configuring the build

The build is configured using an "environment file", a shell script that works like your .bashrc or .profile. This script sets various environment variables that control the build. Some of the variables to set depend on which distribution of illumos you're using.

An environment file template is included in illumos-gate.git and can thus be found in your workspace. Make a copy so that we can edit it for use on your particular build machine.

cd /code/illumos-gate
cp usr/src/tools/env/ .
vi                          # use your favourite text editor!

The current version of the template is mostly complete, and written such that it tries to guess sensible defaults for most things. For example,

  • git describe is used to set VERSION based on the branch and commit to build
  • git is also used to set CODEMGR_WS to the workspace directory; i.e., /code/illumos-gate in this document.


On OpenIndiana systems, you'll need to add a few more variables to your environment file to get a complete build with packages you can install. Add the following to the bottom of your copy of

# Set a package version number which is greater than the current OpenIndiana
# build number.  Note that ONNV_BUILDNUM is ignored if PKGVERS_BRANCH is set:
export PKGVERS_BRANCH=9999.99.0.0

# Set to current version of Perl shipped with OpenIndiana:
export PERL_VERSION="5.22"
export PERL_PKGVERS="-522"

# If you are building on the latest OpenIndiana (2017-03-07 and later), use
# OpenJDK 8:
export BLD_JAVA_8=
# Use the copy of the closed binaries that comes with the "build-essential"
# package:
export ON_CLOSED_BINS="/opt/onbld/closed"

Note in particular that PKGVERS_BRANCH must be a higher number than the one currently in use on your OpenIndiana system, so that pkg and onu will prefer your locally built packages to those from the base distribution. You can find out the current branch version with pkg info:

$ pkg info osnet-incorporation | grep Branch:
        Branch: 2018.0.0.18230


On OmniOS systems, you have the option of using a complete environment file provided in the developer tool packages. Those files reside in /opt/onbld/env/omnios-*; one for vanilla illumos-gate.git, and one for the OmniOS-specific downstream fork, illumos-omnios.git.

If instead you wish to start with the stock environment file template, you'll need to add the following at the end of your copy of

# Set to the current perl version (this is correct for OmniOS r151028)
export PERL_VERSION=5.28
export PERL_ARCH=i86pc-solaris-thread-multi-64int
# Set to current python3 version (this is correct for OmniOS r151028)
export PYTHON3=/usr/bin/python3.5

export SPRO_ROOT=/opt/sunstudio12.1
export ONLY_LINT_DEFS="-I${SPRO_ROOT}/sunstudio12.1/prod/include/lint"
export ON_CLOSED_BINS=/opt/onbld/closed

export __GNUC=
export GNUC_ROOT=/opt/gcc-4.4.4/
export PRIMARY_CC=gcc4,/opt/gcc-4.4.4/bin/gcc,gnu
export PRIMARY_CCC=gcc4,/opt/gcc-4.4.4/bin/g++,gnu
export SHADOW_CCS=gcc7,/opt/gcc-7/bin/gcc,gnu
export SHADOW_CCCS=gcc7,/opt/gcc-7/bin/g++,gnu

# This will set ONNV_BUILDNUM to match the release on which you are building, allowing ONU.
export ONNV_BUILDNUM=`grep '^VERSION=r' /etc/os-release | cut -c10-`

You must also make sure you disable the (optional) IPP and SMB printing support by commenting out the following lines in the stock template:


If you do need the optional IPP and SMB printing support, you must install and provide Apache, APR, and APR-util, as well as IPP or CUPS headers for SMB printing.

Starting the build

You are now ready to start the illumos build.

The build itself may take anywhere from twenty minutes to a few hours, depending on the performance of your system. It is generally good advice to run the build under a session manager like screen or tmux so that you can detach and reattach without interrupting the build.

Run the following command to start the full build:

cd /code/illumos-gate
time ksh93 usr/src/tools/scripts/

The build creates a lot of output, so rather than emit it directly to the terminal it is saved in a log file: log/nightly.log in your workspace.

You can follow the log file with tail as the build progresses; e.g.,

tail -F /code/illumos-gate/log/nightly.log

If you only want to see warning or error messages from the build, you might try:

tail -F /code/illumos-gate/log/nightly.log | grep -A5 -B5 '(error|warning).*: '

Once the build is complete, the log files (including nightly.log) are moved to a unique directory including the datestamp; e.g., log/log.2019-02-08.17:50. A latest symlink is also created, so log/latest/nightly.log always refers to the most recently completed build log.

A summary of the build is saved in the log/latest/mail_msg file. If you see any errors in this file, you can find the full context by searching for the same message in the full nightly.log.

The mail_msg file should be included when submitting a patch to demonstrate a successful build with no errors or warnings.

Performing an incremental build

Once you have completed a full nightly build, you can perform an incremental build without discarding files that are already built. This allows you to make some changes to the code and rebuild only the files to which you have made changes.

The -i flag to performs an incremental build:

cd /code/illumos-gate
time ksh93 usr/src/tools/scripts/ -i


Before submitting a patch, you must perform a full (i.e., not incremental) build.

Installing your build

The build process generates packages that you can install on your system with the developer system update tool, onu. Depending on the NIGHTLY_OPTIONS you chose earlier, you will have packages in one of two locations within your workspace:

  • packages/i386/nightly for a DEBUG build
  • packages/i386/nightly-nd for a non-DEBUG build

Once you locate your packages, you can install them with onu; e.g., for a DEBUG build:

sudo /code/illumos-gate/usr/src/tools/proto/root_i386-nd/opt/onbld/bin/onu \
    -t "$(date -u +nightly-%Y%m%d-%H%MZ)" \
    -d "/code/illumos-gate/packages/i386/nightly"

This creates a build environment with a name that includes the date and time in UTC; e.g., nightly-20190415-0333Z. If your installation was successful, you can reboot to try the new bits! You can use beadm(1M) to list or modify the boot environments on your machine.


For OpenIndiana and OmniOS it is critical that PKGVERS_BRANCH is set correctly in your environment file, or onu will likely fail to correctly install packages. See above on configuring your environment file

In case of emergency

The illumos project contains a lot of software with a long history. The build system is quite complicated, and not always extremely robust in the face of unexpected changes on the build machine.

If you're experiencing a problem with the build that you cannot immediately explain, here are a few things to try:

Up-to-date build system

Make sure you're running the latest version of your illumos distribution, as described above. If you're hitting a bug in the build tools it might well have been fixed already.

Even if this doesn't fix your problem, it's easiest for members of the community to help you out when you're running recent software.

Missed Flag Day

As people work on the system it is occasionally necessary to make a change that will impact other developers. We try to communicate those changes in "flag day" e-mail messages to the developer mailing list. A list of these announcements also appears here on the site.

Reach out for help

If you're still having trouble, remember that you're not alone! Other members of the community may be hitting the same problem, or they may just know how to help.

Members of the community are usually available in IRC or on the mailing lists. When asking for help, it's a good idea to have ready the contents of your mail_msg file, or any other build error output you see on your machine.