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Contributing Documentation


If you'd like to help expand our documentation, we'd love the assistance.

This site is hosted on GitHub and uses mkdocs.


If you notice an error or see something that can be improved, or you want to write a whole new section, you have a couple options:

Local Development

Fork the illumos/docs repo and submit a Pull Request.

You'll need to install mkdocs, and some of our dependencies on your workstation to help with development and testing.

pip install mkdocs
pip install mkdocs-material
pip install markdown-include

We enable a number of extensions. You might want to review the documentation for them. Some of the more useful ones are:

Online Development

Alternatively, you can edit the page directly in GitHub, and submit a Pull Request.


Your changes will go through a review process and hopefully be merged in!

Help Wanted!

We've already identified some key pages where we need to improve documentation; have a look at the open issues for the doc repository to see if you can lend a hand.